
听力原文: LAHORE -- Petrol spilling from a fuel tanker burst into flames in Pakistan’s central Punjab Province yesterday, burning at least 57 people to death as they tried to scoop it up. About 60 others were injured in the blaze at a rural bus station near the central Punjab town of Jhang. As the petrol started to spill, local residents ran up with cans to collect the liquid, a witness said. "More than 100 people were busy filling their cans when suddenly the fire broke out and all of them were engulfed by flames," he said. Some reporters returning from the site said 86 people were killed, but Jhang district ad ministration officials put the death toll at 57.
What is the main idea of the news?

A fire broke out when people were busy scooping up the petrol.
B. More than 100 people were engulfed by flames.
C. A fire caused by gas spill put 57 people to death.
D. As the petrol started to spill, local people ran up with cans to collect it.



A. 不应当承担责任,因为致损的瑕疵并非商场的过错而生
B. 不应当承担责任,因为产品缺陷致损要求赔偿的时效期间为一年,本案中原告起诉时已过时效期间
C. 不应当承担责任,因为进货时商场尽了检验义务,但不能检查出这种隐蔽瑕疵
D. 应当承担责任,因为根据《产品质量法》的规定,产品存在缺陷致人损害的,生产者和销售者承担连带责任


A. 国际金融
B. 国内金融
C. 国际货币
D. 国际资本


听力原文:Harry: What do you think of Professor Potter’s course, Jane?
Jane: Not much.
Harry: Why, what’s wrong with it?
Jane: Oh, I don’t know. It’s just that he overloads it with details. That course he gave on town planning last year. It was just the same -- a load of details, which you could have got from a book anyway. There was no overall...
Harry: No general overview you mean?
Jane: Yes. I suppose you could call it that. I couldn’t see the town for the buildings.
Harry: But you' ve got to have details in this kind of subject. Anyway I think he's good. You take his first lecture for in stance. I thought that was very interesting, and not at all over-detailed.
Jane: Well, he starts off all right, but then he just piles on the details.
Harry: Now you' re exaggerating.
Jane: Well, the way he dealt with the western developments, that wasn’t bad, I suppose.
Harry: You seem to have got something. Perhaps Potter is a little disorganized, but I think he's good.
Jane: Do you really think so?
Harry: He does do most of his teaching to the postgraduates. He only does the one undergraduate course each year. After all, I think he tends to forget where he is. He starts off being nice and general and then tries to cram in a bit toe much specialized information.
Jane: The main thing I object to is this lack of direction.
What does Jane think of Potter’s course?

A. Very good.
B. Too general.
C. Meticulous and too specialized.
D. Clear and interesting.
