

A. 手头工作实在太忙的时候,可以不接电话或是直接把电话线拔掉
B. 客户电话的时候,要注意严格控制时间长度,严格"三分钟"原则
C. 对于错打来的电话要给予充分的理解,并尽可能提供一些对对方有帮助的信息
D. 在办公室就像在家一样,完全可以打私人电话


请将以下句子译成英语。1.说来话长。他的名字我一时说不上来。你连续三天没交作业,这可说不过去。2. 你不该妒忌别人,说别人的坏话。许多太太都嫉妒张小姐长得漂亮。

请将下列句子译成汉语1. I respect them, they are good citizens, good husbands and good fathers.2. He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.3. From my childhood, my father taught me to separate sheep from goats.4. Give him an out and let him leave office.5. Mr. William is generous with money.6. Mrs. William is extravagant in expenditure.7. Old age should be regarded as a reward for a lifetime of hard work, but it can only be a punishment if one insists on doing the same things one has always done measuring the present achievement with the past ones and inevitably falling short.


网络安全举报电话是( )

A. 12339
B. 12119
C. 12110
D. 12114
