- What is the taboo food for Indians?
A. Shellfish
B. Pork
C. Grapes
D. Beef
- ____________ are eaten in Norway, Germany, the U. S. and most other western countries.
A. Shellfish and pork
B. Pork and chicken
C. Dogs and insects
D. Beef and lamb
Insects are not eaten because the general opinion is that these are ______animals.
A. lucky
B. dirty
C. nice
D. unlucky
Match the following countries and capitals. (匹配国家和食物)
根据微课中的故事,家人、健康和梦想属于( )
A. 非常重要的事情
B. 其次重要的事情
C. 生活中的小事
D. 空余时间应对的事情