
Part IIVocabulary and StructureSection AFill in the blanks with words or expressions from the boxes.Honest got into up to salary vacationpicked up far away make money collect professional1. Many families newspapers for recycling.2. He is on a(n) of 6, 000 yuan.3. The whistle of a train sounded from .4. He forgot his keys and the house through the window.5. Dinosaurs were twenty-seven meters long.6. The instructor always tells Hector to be a(n) person.7. Just as I the phone, it stopped ringing.8. Peter is not in the office now. He is on .9. The boy has to to support his family.10. I hope to acquire more skills.



A. 对
B. 错

钨极氩弧焊使用的电极材料有( ).

A. 纯钨极
B. 铈钨极
C. 铝钨极
D. 钍钨极

熔化极氩弧焊大滴过渡主要用于( )位置的焊接.

A. 立焊
B. 平焊
C. 横焊
D. 仰焊

在制定一焊件钨极氩弧焊焊缝工艺时,三位工艺员进行了讨论。工艺员甲说定位焊不允许有缺陷,随时注意观察钨极端部的形状和颜色的变化;工艺员乙说打底焊的焊缝应一气呵成,不允许中途停止;工艺员丙说填丝时,焊丝应与工件表面夹角为15°,必须等坡口两侧熔化后才能填丝,以免引起熔化不良。你认为( )的说法正确.

A. 工艺员甲
B. 工艺员乙
C. 工艺员丙
D. 三者都正确
