
戒毒人员面临的主要困难包括( )

A. 基本生活困难
B. 就业困难
C. 人际关系和社会交往困难
D. 心理情绪困扰


下列关于那肯上瘾历程的说法正确的是( )

A. 上瘾历程分为三个阶段
B. 上瘾首先表现为使用者内心的改变
C. 上瘾还表现为生活形态的改变
D. 上瘾最终表现为整个生活的崩溃

戒毒社工可以运用反社会工作的专业理念和方法为案主提供的服务包括( )

A. 戒毒康复帮助
B. 就业指导
C. 法律咨询服务
D. 生活关心

[音频]Jane: Peter, who are the (1)_________________ of our new products?Peter: Em…I think athletes and those who regularly do sports are our (2) _______________.Jane: That's right. So, what (3)_______________ can we use to launch the new products?Peter: Good question! I’m considering making (4)___________________, sponsoring some sports events and offering (5)________________ in some big stores.Jane: Good idea! Well, where are we going to sell our products?Peter: I think our main sales channels will be stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets.Jane: Sounds great!

以下哪种说法是错误的( )

A. 指根区弓型纹仍有弧形和帐形两种
B. 指根区有些弓型纹也会伴有三角
C. 指根区的箕型纹有根基系统
