
The American Heritage Medical Dictionary (2007) defines 'death' as: The end of life; the permanent cessation of vital bodily functions, as manifested in humans by the loss of heartbeat, the absence of spontaneous breathing, and heart death.

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Segen's Medical Dictionary (2011) defines 'death' as: A state defined in the US by the Uniform Determination of Death Act, 1981, as that which occurs in an individual who has sustained either: (1) irreversible cessation of circulatory or respiratory functions, or (2) irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem.

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McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine (2002) defines 'death' as: The permanent and irreversible cessation of vital functions–eg, cerebral, cardiovascular and respiratory activities. Unless you meet the requirements of the Uniform Determination of Death Act passed by the US Congress, 1981, you ain't officially dead; a person. is dead if there is 1. Irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions or. 2. Irreversible cessation of all functions of brain, including the brain stem, a concept endorsed by the AMA and the Am Bar Assn Harvard.

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Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing (2012) defines 'death' as: The irreversible cessation of life. In lower multicellular organisms, death is a gradual process at the cellular level, because tissues vary in their ability to withstand deprivation of oxygen; in higher organisms, a cessation of vital tissue and organ functions; in humans, manifested by the loss of heartbeat (i.e., asystole), absence of spontaneous breathing, and cessation of the brain's electrical activity.

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B. 错

Collins Dictionary of Medicine (2004 and 2005) defines 'death' as: The cessation of the processes of living. This may occur at cellular level, at tissue level or at the level of the entire organism (somatic death). Death of the whole organism results from failure of the supply of essential fuels, especially oxygen and sugar, or from inability of the tissues to use them, because of poisoning or other damage.

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