
Directions: The following is a list of items (A-F) . There are 10 statements that can be inferred from the different paragraphs (A-F) . Match each statement with the corresponding paragraph. (将1-10的句子与可以得出此结论的段落A-F匹配)Why I Love ThanksgivingA) Over the years, I have had the opportunity to visit nearly every state in the Union, and I never cease to be amazed by our country's variety of people and places. I can step out of a subway into New York City, go around a Michigan blueberry farm, or dig for clams along a deserted beach in Maine. These places are very different but they represent the land I love.B) One of the strongest similarities I have found in all of us Americans is the way we treat holidays. We all love holidays. They give us a reason to forget routine, to celebrate, and to make memories. What holiday gives us a better chance to do all of these things than Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving weekend is for most of us the longest, least interrupted weekend of the year. It is the ideal time for family and friends to come together again. It is also the most purely American of all holidays, because it celebrates the settling of our country by the Pilgrims over 350 years ago.C) For me, Thanksgiving recalls all the things in life that I respond to most strongly and for which I am truly thankful. There is the simple beauty of the earth and the harvest time. There is the satisfaction that comes from the working of the crops. And there is the tradition of the day itself: the return to my family homes in the green hills of Maryland and Virginia, the delicious food, and the sharing of holiday rituals.D) For as long as I can remember, my grandparents had a farm near Freeland, Maryland. Although I don't visit it often now, it was once the center of my life. I was five years old when I spent my first Thanksgiving at the farm. I remember the meal: the huge roast turkey, the red cranberry sauce, the wonderful mounds of just-whipped potatoes, and our family favorite pies — pumpkin and apple, fragrant with spices. That evening we gathered in the parlor and sang. “Singing for our supper,” we called it. To this day we sing for our supper in the Scott household on Thanksgiving. We always sing our favorite, “We Gather Together.”E) In the Scott household, the Thanksgiving traditions have never waned; they've just changed a bit. Although I now live in New York City, I never spend Thanksgiving away from the farm. Instead of at my grandparents' farm, it is now at my own farm in Virginia. Both my wife and I love to cook and we try to do extra special things on the holidays. In addition to our old traditional family favorites, we've added a molded tomato salad, an extremely rich sweet potato casserole, and a heavenly coconut and mandarin orange salad. But no matter how much the menu changes, no matter if we are serving roast goose instead of roast turkey or Southern pecan pie instead of apple, the sentiment remains the same. The spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday promotes life, friendship, closeness and family unity. Everyone who shares a Thanksgiving meal with us becomes a friend, and every friend becomes an honorary member of the family.F) I like to believe that I can remember clearly every taste, every smell, every slightly off-key note of our happy singing — everything except where all the Thanksgivings went. As I grow older, the celebrations seem to merge into one set of the best memories. I’ll always remember Thanksgivings as the times we ate good food, sang old-fashioned songs, and shared a lot of love with family and friends. May you all have the same kind of joy.Statements:1. All Americans love holidays.2. I’m often filled with wonder when I visit different places and meet various people in our country.3. The spirit of Thanksgiving encourages life, friendship, closeness and family unity.4. Thanksgiving is the ideal time for the reunion of family and friends.5. The writer’s grandparents’ farm was once the center of the writer’s life.6. Thanksgiving reminds the writer of a lot of things which he loves and is thankful for.7. The writer and his wife now celebrate Thanksgiving at their own farm.8. The writer enjoys Thanksgiving and hopes everyone can have the same kind of joy.9. The writer enjoys the return to his family homes, the delicious food and the holiday rituals at Thanksgiving.10. The celebrations of Thanksgiving become part of the writer’s best memories.


大数据具有的四个典型特征是( )。

A. 大量、多样、低速和价值
B. 大量、多样、高速和价值
C. 小量、多样、高速和价值
D. 大量、单一、高速和价值

以下有关大数据的描述错误的是( )。

A. 大数据指的是巨量数据
B. 大数据具有价值密度低的特征
C. 大数据的战略意义仅在于掌握庞大的数据
D. 大数据产业的盈利关键在于提高对数据的“加工能力”,通过“加工”实现数据的“增值”


A. 云计算与大数据联系不大。
B. 大数据存储和传统的存储方式是一样的。
C. 网络爬虫又称为网络蜘蛛、网络机器人。
D. Hadoop起源于微软公司的一篇文章。


A. 互联网
B. 金融
C. 电信
D. 政务
