You had to use selling skills to persuade the owner to let you use it.
A. force
B. beg earnestly
C. cause to feel certain
D. advise
You are trying to convince people that you have good ideas and will provide the type of leadership needed by that organization.
A. attract other people's attention
B. beg ... to believe
C. say again and again to
D. cause ... to believe
You can purchase a pair of jeans from a department store, a women's or men's apparel shop...
A. jeans
B. trousers
C. cloth
D. clothing
You can purchase a pair of jeans from a department store, ... a specialty store, or a discount store.
A. a store where special kinds of products are available
B. a store where various kinds of jeans are available
C. a store where products of a particular brand are sold
D. a store where expensive clothes are sold
... you need to faimiliar with some basic facts about each segement of the American economy.
A. kind
B. industry
C. department
D. part