The result of positioning is the successful creation of ________, which provides a cogent(有说服力的,令人信服的) reason why the target market should buy the product.
A. an award-winning promotional campaign
B. a customer-focused value proposition(价值主张,价值定位)
C. a demand channel
D. everyday low pricing
E. employee value proposition
A. 解除尿潴留
B. 测量膀胱容量
C. 检查残余尿量
D. 进行膀胱造影
E. 治疗尿路感染
Perdue's cogent reason why a target market should buy its chicken is "More tender golden chicken at a moderate premium price," also known as its ________.
A. customer-focused value proposition
B. competitive frame of reference
C. points-of-parity
D. straddle positioning
E. perceptual map
A. 12~14cm
B. 14~16cm
C. 16~18cm
D. 18~20cm
E. 20~22cm
A. 防止污染导管
B. 使患者舒适
C. 便于固定导管
D. 清除并减少会阴部病原微生物
E. 防止污染导尿的无菌物品