
工厂准备以600万元进行投资,根据市场预测,预计每年可获得的收益及其概率的资料如下:若该投资项目的风险系数b为6%,计划年度利率(资金时间价值)为8%,该项投资的收益期望值、标准离差、标准离差率分别是( )。

A. 92,23.26,25.2
B. 93,22.26,25.2
C. 92,22.27,24.2
D. 93,22.26,24.2


According to the video, what is gratitude?Gratitude is 1)_________ for people, places, ideas and feelingsGratitude is a 2)______________ for what you have and where you are on your path right now.

As mentioned in the video, we can understand ‘gratitude’ from two perspectives. In the broad sense, Chinese youth of the new era should be grateful to 3)_________ , 4)____________, 5)___________ and 6)__________. In the narrow sense, we should be grateful to 7) __________

From the video, we can learn that there are many ways to cultivate gratitude, for example:• Spend time helping those who are 8)__________• Spend time before you go to sleep giving thanks for all that 9)_________• Go on traveling.• Imagine what your life would be like if 10)__________all that you have


A. 微分方程最早应用涉及悬链线方程、振动弦的方程等;
B. 力学、天文学、几何学等领域的许多问题都涉及了微分方程应用;
C. 应用于研究人口发展模型、交通流模型等;
D. 应用于自动控制、各种电子学装置的设计、弹道的计算、飞机和导弹飞行的稳定性研究、化学反应过程稳定性的研究;
E. 在当今大数据时代,应用微分方程建立数学模型,研究发展规律、预测、决策等。
