【单选题】下面对Word的叙述中,正确的是( )。
A. Word是一种数据库管理系统
B. Word是一种操作系统
C. Word是一种电子表格
D. Word是一种文字处理软件
【单选题】要将Word文档中的“Computer”换成“计算机”,打开“查找和替换”对话框,在“查找内容”栏里输入“Computer”后,下一步操作是( )。
A. 单击“查找下一处”
B. 单击“全部替换”
C. 在“替换为”栏里输入“计算机”
D. 单击“替换”
【单选题】关于word中表格的插入,下列说法中错误的是( )。
A. 行列数可调
B. 能调整行、列宽
C. 只能是2行3列
D. 可以自动套用格式
If her husband had not liked the dress ___.
A. she would be delighted
B. he would get mad
C. she would have returned it
D. she must have taken it back to the store
If I ___ you, I ___ worry.
A. were/ wouldn’t
B. was/ wouldn’t
C. been/ would have
D. be/ would