
The Queen gives her assent to ____ before they become law.

A. bills
B. ministers
C. cabinet
D. parliament


___________ is the London residence and administrative headquarters of the reigning monarch of the U.K..

A. Windsor Castle
B. 10 Downing Street
C. Buckingham Palace
D. White House

The party that has the majority of seats in _______ will form the government in Britain.

A. the House of Lords
B. the House of Commons
C. the cabinet
D. the government

The Queen represents the interest of ______.

A. the state
B. the government
C. life peers
D. hereditary peers

The Queen sees the Prime Minister _______ at _____ to discuss affairs of state.

A. once a weekBuckingham Palace
B. once a weekWestminster Palace
C. once a monthBuckingham Palace
D. once a monthWestminster Palace
