Directions:Youarerequiredtoselectonewordforeachblankfromalistofchoicesgiveninawordblankfollowingthepassage.Readthepassagethroughcarefullybeforemakingyourchoices.Eachchoiceinthebankisidentifiedbyaletter.Youmaynotuseanyofthewordsinthebankmorethanonce.A. goodnessB. excellenceC. groundD. honorE. notionF. classicalG. possessesH. boundI. mirrorJ. occursK. utilityL.virtuousM. commitmentWhat is genuine friendship? Some 1)_______ views may help us understand the 2) _______ of friendship more clearly. Aristotle distinguishes genuine friendship from two other forms: one based on mutual 3)_______ and the other on pleasure. While the 4)_______ for the latter two forms of friendship is closely related to material benefits, short-term interests or age, genuine friendship 5) _______ only between those who are similar in their 6) _______. Cicero, another ancient scholar, believes that true friends' actions and lives should leave no question as to their 7) ______, purity, equity and liberality. Whether or not one 8) _______ any superiority over the other, both must regard themselves as equals of the other and try their best to preserve the friendship. Moreover, true friends are 9) _______ together, as a friend is said to be a 10) _______ in which you may perceive and know yourself. When 11) ________ friends share a 12) ________ to the good, they can recognize each other's moral 13) _______ and fulfill their self-improvement.