

A. 对
B. 错



A. 对
B. 错

Clip 6 Shool disciplines (David Cameron"'s speech, 31 July 2007)1. According to the speaker, David Cameron, how to translate our values into action?To ________ those values, families as the origin of society, the role ofschools in _________ and adding to the lessons of home, the need for clear boundaries and for rules of behavior, the ___________ and thedifferentness of children, the obligation to help the most _________ anddisadvantaged.2. What are the common features of best schools?They have an independent _________ and clear rules on ____________ behaviour.3. How does David Cameron think of schools?Schools should be places where teachers teach and children learn - notsort of holding centres for children ___________ of how badly they behave.Most of all, they should be places where the kids respect, and even fear,the teachers, and not the other way around. If we want our children to grow up in a(n) ___________ environment,they need to know where the lines are and not to _____________ them.Heads need to be able to __________ real codesof behaviour and disciplineand be backed up by parents.4. How to strenthen school disciplines?A. To strengthen the enforcement of rules set by teachers.Now many schools have home-school __________, setting out in black and white what is expected of the school, of the parent and of the child. Head teachers should be able to say to parents, "if you don"t ____________ to thiscode of conduct for yourselves and your children, your child cannot cometo school" As simple as that.B. To strengthen the position of teachers.More needs to be done to protect teachers from the tiny minority who are bent on __________ authority in schools by making false allegations of __________against the teacher. This is a growing problem. A recent survey in SecEd magazine indicated that ________ of teachers had been falsely accused and ______ of teachers knew a colleague in their school to whom this had happened.C. To give head teacher the power to exclude pupils whose conduct badly disrupts the education of others.Today, at the moment, if a head teacher excludes a pupil, the child has a right of _______ an external panel run by the local authority. And currently a quarter of the exclusions which are reviewed by these appeals panels are _________. And more than half of these pupils are then returned to the school from which they've been _________. Now just imagine what that does to the ________ of the head teacher in the eyes of the students: to see a child expelled for bad behaviour swaggering back into school. It sends completely the wrong message about the —________ power of the child and of the school itself. The local authority should be there to_________ the school, to help the school, to support the school, not the other way around.


A. 汽油
B. 汽车
C. 手机
D. 面粉


A. 一家
B. 几家
C. 很多家
D. 无数多家
