阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。微信朋友圈流行着这样一个故事:一个小男孩和一个小女孩在玩耍。小男孩收集了很多石头,小女孩有很多的糖果。小男孩想用所有的石头与小女孩的糖果做个交换,小女孩同意了。小男孩偷偷地把最大和最好看的石头藏了起来,把剩下的给了小女孩。而小女孩则如她允诺的那样,把所有的糖果都给了小男孩。那天晚上,小女孩睡得很香,而小男孩却彻夜难眠。他始终在想:小女孩是不是也跟自己一样,藏起了很多糖果?这则故事引发你怎样的联想和感悟?请自选角度,自定立意,自拟标题,自选文体(诗歌除外),写一篇文章,不得套作。下列论说文标题中,最适合的两项是( )
A. 《摒弃怀疑,真诚相待》
B. 《人心难测》
C. 《让心计远离童真》
D. 《坦诚相待》
E. 《善良》
Chinese operafrom folk songs, dances, talking and dialectical music etc.
A. evolved
B. engaged
C. emphasized
D. encouraged
Gradually Chinese operamusic, art and literature into one performance on the stage.
A. created
B. cultural
C. combined
D. controlled
Actors present unique melodies as well as dialoguesare beautifully written and of high literary value.
A. which
B. who
C. what
D. how
Whatto people most might be the different styles of facial make-up.
A. accept
B. admire
C. adapt
D. appeal