
It happened in _____.

A. the forties of the eleven century
B. the forties of tenth century
C. the forties of the eleventh century


About ____ of the earth's surface is covered with water.

A. three-fours
B. three-fourth
C. three-fourths

He went down to the village which was ____ miles away from the city.

A. three hundreds
B. three hundred
C. three hundreds of

有收敛作用的抗酸药是:( )

A. 碳酸氢钠
B. 氢氧化铝
C. 氧化镁
D. 三硅酸镁

中和胃酸后产生二氧化碳的是:( )

A. 氢氧化铝
B. 碳酸钙
C. 氧化镁
D. 三硅酸镁
