
A bronchoscopy involves ( ).

A. using an instrument to look into the bronchi (lungs).
B. removing a mass from the bronchus.
C. incising an abnormality of the bronchi.
D. using X-ray to diagnose a condition of the bronchi


The term ( ) means abnormal enlargement of the liver.

A. hepatitis
B. hepatomalacia
C. hepatomegaly
D. hepatorrhexis

The stem "encephalo" in the word encephalitis means ( ).

A. brain
B. spine
C. head
D. tooth

Pneumothorax is ( ).

A. air in the chest cavity.
B. breathing in air.
C. injection of air.
D. air in the lungs.

The term ( ) means inflammation of the pancreas.

A. pancreatalgia
B. pancreatectomy
C. pancreatitis
D. pancreatotomy
