Question 3[音频]
A. Because regular noodles don't fit the theme of the party.
Because alien noodles are better than regular noodles.
C. Because they want to give everyone a big surprise.
D. Because they don't like the movie The Godfather.
Question 4[音频]
A. They will watch some classic movies and old TV shows.
B. They will start with some light desserts and coffee.
C. They will have a drinking contest at a special bar.
D. They will make and have fancy mixed drinks.
46.肺结核最主要的传播方式是( )
A. 空气-飞沫
B. 尘埃
C. 食物和水
D. 皮肤接触
E. 毛巾和餐具
47.最易引起肝功能损害的抗结核药物是( )
A. 异烟肼
B. 利福平
C. 链霉素
D. 吡嗪酰胺
E. 乙胺丁醇