According to the news report, ________ are being held across the country to celebrate the enormous victory for our national footfall team.
A. communities
B. rallies
C. performances
D. occasions
Ann was so _________ when she couldn’t remember my name.
A. pleased
B. humiliated
C. encouraged
D. upset
In recent years there has been a strong ________ toward the “open classroom”in the elementary schools of the United States.
A. assumption
B. transition
C. program
D. advertisement
The roads were very busy so traffic ________ along at 10 miles an hour.
A. climbed
B. dashed
C. crawled
D. drift
溢洪道各结构中,控制下泄流量的是( )。
A. 引水渠
B. 溢流堰
C. 泄槽
D. 消力池