It is generally thought around the world that theinhabitantsof large cities are ruder than their fellow citizensfrom smaller towns or the countryside.
A. workers
B. students
C. citizens
D. tourists
It’s common to hear people on the bus or subway talking on their cell phones very loudly, being a nuisance to those around them.
A. helper
B. assistance
C. annoyance
D. entertainer
下面既是中华民族的传统美德,也是我国公民道德建设的重点,还是社会主义核心价值观的一条重要准则是( )
A. 爱岗敬业
B. 诚实守信
C. 办事公道
D. 奉献社会
关于道德,下列说法中正确的有( )
A. 道德是人类特有的一种社会现象,是社会意识形态之一
B. 道德通过社会舆论、传统习俗和人们内心信念来维持
C. 道德规定人们行为“必须怎样做”“不准怎样做”
D. 道德是一种调整人与人、人与社会、人与自然以及人与自身之间关系的特殊的行为规范