某医院年终对全院职工的基本情况作调查了解,其中有以下情况:死亡1人,医生甲因病休息1年多,医生乙因医院效益不好也在家闲了不满2年,医生丙出去参与经营未从事医疗2年多,医生丁承包医院的第2 门诊近3年,其余大多数仍在医院坚持工作.依据执业医师法,下列人员中,属于应当注销注册,收回医师执业证书的是
A. 医生甲
B. 医生乙
C. 医生丙
D. 医生丁
E. 坚持在医院工作的医生
A. 发热、咳嗽1周,.胸片正常,结素试验强阳性
B. 胸片示结核病灶正在好转
C. 肺结核患者3年中复查5次胸片无变化,近1个月午后发热、乏力
D. 左结核性胸膜炎系统化疗10个月后,胸膜肥厚粘连
E. 女性患者,28岁,咯血20ml,胸片正常,痰结核菌涂片()
A. 自由联想
B. 厌恶治疗
C. 生物反馈
D. 系统脱敏
E. 梦的分析
A.Mark the latest homework assignment.B.Make an appointment with the doctor.
A. Mark the latest homework assignment.
B. Make an appointment with the doctor.
C. Put a cancellation notice on the classroom door.
D. Return exam papers to his students.
A.It will bring her potential into full play.B.It will involve lots of train trav
A. It will bring her potential into full play.
B. It will involve lots of train travel.
C. It will enable her to improve her Chinese.
D. It will give her more chances to visit Japan.