
The researchers are already working with food companies keen to see if their products can be made ______ to bacterial attack through alterations to the food's structure.

A. resistant
B. insistent
C. persistent
D. consistent


Finally, other people may give us instrumental supports—financial aid, material resources, and needed services—that can help us ______ and cope with our problems.

A. involve
B. resolve
C. recall
D. interpret

The society was set up to ______ endangered species from extinction.

A. reserve
B. conserve
C. preserve
D. maintain

They were imprisoned and ______of their basic rights.

A. deprived
B. restricted
C. rejected
D. denied

截止到2020年12月31日,某企业“主营业务收入”账户发生额为2 000 000元,“主营业务成本”账户发生额为540 000元,“其他业务收入”账户发生额为510 000元,“其他业务成本”账户发生额为160 000元,“税金及附加”账户发生额为800 000元,“销售费用”账户发生额为62 000元,“管理费用”账户发生额为50 000元,“财务费用”账户发生额为180 000元,“资产减值损失”账户发生额为60 000元,“公允价值变动损益”账户借方发生额为460 000元(无贷方发生额),“投资收益“账户贷方发生额为850 000元(无借方发生额),“营业外收入”账户发生额为90 000元,“营业外支出”账户发生额为30 000元,“所得税费用”账户发生额为182 600元。请计算该企业2020年12月利润表中营业收入、营业成本、营业利润、利润总额、净利润的金额。(要求写出计算过程)
