Tothe persons in a sentence, you are not advised to use too many pronouns. For example, you can use the names of the people you are referring to.
A. disambiguate
B. ambiguous
C. unambiguous
D. unambiguity
In the era of the Internet, the older generation are alwaysby some spoken words used in the virtual world. The meanings of some words are totally different from the meanings people are familiar with in the real world.
A. overwhelmed
B. overwhelming
C. conformed
D. unconformed
The state’s blood supplies were severely ______ by the two consecutive disasters.
A. shrunk
B. belittled
C. diminished
D. deflated
A. 急性喉炎
B. 急性会厌炎
C. 支气管哮喘
D. 急性左心衰
E. 呼吸道异物
A. 慢性鼻炎急性发作
B. 急性上颌窦炎
C. 偏头痛
D. 上呼吸道感染
E. 急性蝶窦炎