某甲向银行取款时,银行多付给1万元,甲以这l万元作本钱经商,获利5000元,其中2000元为其劳务管理费,银行主张甲返还不当得利,则甲应返还银行 ()
A. 1.5万元
B. 1_3万元
C. 1万元及其利息
D. 1万元
(2001年考试真题)甲工业企业为增值税小规模纳税人。本期外购原材料一批,购买价格为10 000元,增值税为1 700元,入库前发生的挑选整理费用为500元。该批原材料的入账价值为()元。
A. 10 000
B. 11 700
C. 10 500
D. 12 200
Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A. The Role of Standard Art Analyses and Appraisals.
B. Sandro Botticelli: From Rejection to Appreciation
C. The History of Critics'Responses to Art Works.
D. Botticelli and Florentine: A Comparative Study.
我国合同法不承认口头形式的合同。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
As for Nietzsche's opinion of thought and walk, the author holds that ______.
A. it will arouse a bit suspicion
B. it is reasonable to accept it
C. it derives from Henry Thoreau's idea
D. it only works for challenging work