After jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected list.You find that the only cause
A. Raising the KG and increasing the draft which may put you in an unsafe operating condition
B. Increasing GM and causing a fast roll
C. Increasing the righting arm on the high side
D. Causing the vessel to yaw when underway
During the Bareboat Charter Period the Vessel shall be kept insured by ______ at their expense against hull and machinery and war risks under the form of policy or policies attached.
A. the Merchant
B. the Carriers
C. the Charterers
D. the Owners
A. 沥青船底漆、黑漆、防锈漆
B. 铝粉沥青底漆、环氧树脂漆、防锈漆
C. 铝粉沥青底漆、防锈漆、防污漆
D. 沥青底漆、防污漆、防锈漆
Tell them ______ the cargo,please.
A. Not touch
B. To not touch
C. Not to touch
D. To touch not