
Which of the following statements about RAID technology is true?

A. Enlarging capacity of disk system
B. improving transfer rate of system
C. improving reliability of disk system
D. all of above


Virtually all contemporary computer designs are based on concepts developed by __________ at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton.

A. John Maulchy
B. John von Neumann
C. Herman Hollerith
D. John Eckert

There must be ________ instructions for moving data between memory and the registers.

A. branch
B. logic
C. memory
D. I/O

Suppose the length of two’s complement is 5 bits, which arithmetic operation brings OVERFLOW?

A. 5+8
B. (-8)+(-8)
C. 4-(-12)
D. 15-7

In the simplest instruction processing form, it consists of two cycles: _____________.

A. fetch and indirect
B. fetch and execute
C. indirect and execute
D. fetch and interrupt
