Neurogenic tumors are most likely to locate in____()
A. posterior mediastinum
B. upper anterior mediastinum
C. Anterior mediastinum
D. upper middle region of middle mediastinum
The thyroid behind the sternum tends to occur in_()
A. upper anterior mediastinum
B. middle anterior mediastinum
C. upper middle region of middle mediastinum
D. lower middle mediastinum
为choose表添加外键约束,约束名为choose_student_fk,外键为student_no,连接到 student表的stuednt_no字段,以下命令正确的是_()
A. alter table choose add constraint choosestudent_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_no)
B. alter table choose add constraint choose_student_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_no) REFERENCES student(stuednt_no)
C. alter table choose add constraint choose_student_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_no) REFERENCES student;
D. alter table choose add constraint choose_student_fk REFERENCES student(stuednt_no)
If the students break the school rules, they will be put in detention()
A. kept in prison
B. kept in school after class
C. sent home
D. kept in a black room
With two exams
______, I have to work really hard this weekend()With two exams
______, I have to work really hard this weekend()
A. worry about
B. to worry about
C. worried
D. about
E. D.worrying about