A. 表现为一种刺痛
B. 定位不准确,持续时间较长
C. 必伴有牵涉痛
D. 对牵拉、缺血、痉挛、炎症等不敏感
E. 对切割、烧灼很敏感
When you come to college, you can have ____________.
A. more freedom
B. more classes
C. more money
D. more homework
As for the methods to handle your time in college, which is not suggested in the video?
A. Limit your number of slipping from class
B. Set your own study schedules
C. Set your own sleep schedules
D. Go out to play every night
语言交流发生在人与人之间,一个人说话的内容,常常要受到别人的影响,这说明语言具有( )。
A. 创造性
B. 结构性
C. 意义性
D. 社会性