
The ratio of divorces to marriages has increased since 19Therefore, there must be a greater proportion of children living with only one natural parent than there was in 19Which of the following, if true, most strongly weakens the inference drawn above?

A. The number of marriages entered into by women twentyfive to thirty-five years old has decreased since 1940.
B. When there is a divorce, children are often given the option of deciding which parent they will live with.
C. Since 1940 the average number of children in a family has remained approximately steady and has not been subject to wide fluctuations.
D. Before 1940 relatively few children whose parents had both died were adopted into single-parent families.
E. The proportion of children who must be raised by one parent because the other has died has decreased since 1940 as a result of medical advances.


A group of children of various ages was read stories in which people caused harm, some of

A. In interpreting these stories, the listeners had to draw on a relatively mature sense of human psychology in order to tell whether harm was produced intentionally or accidentally.
B. In these stories, the severity of the harm produced was clearly stated.
C. Younger children are as likely to produce harm unintentionally as are older children.
D. The older children assigned punishment in a way that closely resembled the way adults had assigned punishment in a similar experiment.
E. The younger children assigned punishments that varied according to the severity of the harm done by the agents in the stories.


A. 依法治国
B. 执法为民
C. 公平正义
D. 服务大局


A. 安全管理体系
B. 施工质量体系
C. 科学管理体系
D. 质量管理体系


A. S
B. R
C. X
D. S2
