听力原文: Many substances that come into contact with the surface of the eye can cause chemical bums, allergic reactions or inflammations, or can even be absorbed through the eye. The eye should be flushed out immediately with water. Lukewarm water should be poured gently into the inside comer of the eye from a container two to three inches above the victim' s eye. A water tap will do very nicely as it produces controllable pressure. The victim's head should be tilted so that the water will flow across the eyeball and off the face. This procedure should be followed for five to fifteen minutes, depending on the severity of the problem. Adults who are not otherwise incapacitated may use a shower to wash out the eyes. Urgency is the key word in treating eye problems of this sort Wash out the affected eye immediately, and as soon as possible call a physician or a poison control center for additional advice.
The passage is about ______
A. poison control centers and doctors
B. bathing from a container or in a shower
C. the effect of water temperature on eyeballs
D. first-aid treatment of eye problems
A. general
B. natural
C. similar
D. specific
A. 某甲与某乙的妻子通奸,被乙痛打,遂产生杀人报复之念。甲先到乙门口把乙妻叫出来,乙追出来便打,甲用匕首将乙捅死
B. 王、赵二人争吵不休,王说:“你再骂,你就打你!”赵不甘示弱:“你打我试试。”于是二人打了起来
C. 兄弟三人争夺一个家传古砚,老大一气之下将其摔碎,老二、老三一起殴打老大,老大奋起反抗
D. 一无业人员抢夺别人皮包时被抓住,遭到殴打,于是拼命还手,造成对方伤亡
A. ahead
B. beyond
C. under
D. over