"Excused Absence"
Read a short passage and listen to a talk on the same topic.
Reading Time:45 seconds
Policy for Excused Absence
You may request an excused absence once per semester without explanation. Just e-mail me and specify the date that you will be absent from class. If you plan to be absent on the day of a test or an exam, however, you must provide an explanation and make arrangements for a makeup test or exam. Please see me in my office for an excused absence from a test or exam. If you must be absent for more than one session, your grade may be affected. Your grade may be lowered one letter for each additional absence after the excused absence.
Now listen to a student who is talking with friends about the policy.
The student expresses his opinion of the professor's policy for excused absences. Report his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for having that opinion.
Preparation Time:30 seconds
Recording Time:60 seconds