
萃取过度的espresso, 主要表现出的风味是什么?What is the taste of overextracted espresso?

A. 酸acidity
B. 甜sweetness
C. 苦bitterness



A. 对
B. 错

罗布斯塔和阿拉比卡品尝起来有何不同?What is the difference between Arabica and Robusta when tasted?

A. 罗布斯塔酸味更多 more acidity with Robusta
B. 罗布斯塔更苦、更醇厚 more bitterness and full body with Robusta
C. 罗布斯塔花香更多、醇厚度更轻 more floral qualities and lower in body with Robusta

日晒法处理的咖啡,与水洗法处理的咖啡相比较,醇厚度有什么区别?What is the difference in body between coffee with the natural process and the washed process?

A. 日晒法处理的咖啡醇厚度较轻 low body with the naturally processed coffee
B. 日晒法处理的咖啡醇厚度较高 relatively full-bodied with the naturally processed coffee
C. 醇厚度相同 the same in body

水洗法处理的咖啡,与日晒法处理的咖啡相比较, 风味有什么区别?What is the difference between coffee with the washed process and the natural process when tasted?

A. 水洗法处理的咖啡酸度较高higher acidity in coffee with the washed process
B. 水洗法处理的咖啡甜度较高higher sweetness in coffee with the washed process
C. 水洗法处理的咖啡酸度较低lower acidity in coffee with the washed process
