
… the small-town newspaper will always be meaningful for the parents whose child’s photo is news for a few days.

A. Local newspapers don’t really contain any news.
B. Local newspapers are likely to survive even if national newspapers don’t.


Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words below.1. We hope to take control of a large share of the market in the future.2. The Times is an old and well-known newspaper, dating back to the 1800s. All the same, sometimes it gets its facts wrong.3. Not all the trees used to make newspapers come from specially managed areas.4. I have complete faith in the editor’s consistent moral principles.5. A small-size version of a newspaper is easier to read. What’s more, it fits easily into a briefcase.6. The newspaper says it has over a million readers.

案例9-1某患者,男,23岁,遇车祸造成脾脏破裂,失血约1600 ml,脉搏150次/分、皮肤苍白、出冷汗、血压86/45mmHg,尿量减少,患者发生哪种病理生理改变?试解释其发生机制。


A. 对
B. 错


A. 4~5
B. 4~6
C. 3~5
D. 3~4
