

A. 短暂脑缺血发作
B. 脑栓塞
C. 脑出血
D. 脑血栓形成
E. 蛛网膜下腔出血


Translate the sentences into Chinese.Although this limit is case-dependent, there is nevertheless a consensus that, for practical scalability, the probability of error introduced by the application of a quantum gate must be less than 0.0001. (Probability of error is a somewhat loose way of quantifying the inaccuracy of quantum processes.)

Bearing such requirements in mind, one-qubit registers have been demonstrated, and two-qubit registers are close at hand.

Among technologies for which a practical path to scalability is known, that involving qubits carried by trapped ions is currently the most advanced, and will probably lead to the realization of the first quantum registers that have tens of qubits.

Ideally, all computation would be based on elementary devices whose quantum features could be exploited with few additional resources over those needed to make them compute classically.
