茶艺师为了表示对客人的重视,需要化妆和涂香水。In order to show the importance of the guests, the tea specialist needs to put on makeup and perfume.
茶叶随意泡即可,不需要讲究选水择器Tea shall be made at will without paying attention to water and utensils selection
A. 对
B. 错
行茶礼仪里的次序讲究“以左为上”“以退为谦”Ttea etiquette values the order in tea serving, that is, "take the left as the most respectable" "to move backward means modest"
A. 对
B. 错
茶师行茶的坐姿可以倚靠椅背或斜靠扶手,放松为主Tea specialist can sit leaning on the back of the chair or leaning on the armrest for relaxation
A. 对
B. 错
茶师在行茶过程中为了使双手美观,可以在泡茶前涂护手霜做保养。In order to make the hands attractive during the tea making process, tea specialist can apply hand cream before making tea.
A. 对
B. 错