【单选题】This type of system which ______in the United Kingdom has been widely used throughout Europe and is gaining in popularity in the United States of America and Japan.
A. rebounded
B. tumbled
C. originated
D. deposited
【单选题】Failure to make the request will be fatal to the accuser’s claim if the relevant limitation period has __________ , unless an extension of time is granted.
A. inspired
B. aspired
C. expired
D. respected
A. 气管杈
B. 咽
C. 鼻
D. 喉
E. 气管
鼻黏膜的易出血区位于( )
A. 呼吸区
B. 鼻中隔前下部
C. 下鼻甲
D. 中鼻甲
E. 嗅区
A. 环状软骨是完整的软骨环
B. 喉结属于甲状軟骨的结构
C. 声门裂是喉腔最狭窄的部位
D. 甲状软骨是成対的
E. 喉室属于喉中间腔的结构