
When you want to ask someone’s job, you can say, “What do you do?”

A. 对
B. 错


Native English speakers often say “What is your job?” in a social situation when they want to know someone’s job.

A. 对
B. 错

If you work for a big company that is well-known, you can say “I work for”, and then the name: “I work for Microsoft.”

A. 对
B. 错

在东北旅游资源区人口最多的少数民族是。( )

A. 朝鲜族
B. 满族
C. 赫哲族
D. 蒙古族

在东北旅游资源区北国风光最鲜明的部分是。( )

A. 黑龙江
B. 吉林
C. 辽宁
D. 长春
