
By cancelling the debts owed to her, Britain intends to ____ a similar scheme proposed by

A. reject
B. restart
C. follow
D. review


听力原文:A: You know, I started out in civil engineering, then I switched to electronic engineering. But what really interests me is electronic music.
B: Well, that's a long way away from civil engineering.
Which of the following has the man never been interested in?

A. Electronic music.
B. Civil engineering.
C. Electronics.
D. Electronic engineering.

听力原文:In my opinion motivation, rather than intelligence, often decides how far a person can go in his career.
What does the statement mean?

A. One's success is largely dependent on intelligence.
B. Low motivation may lead to poor performance.
C. Motivated people are more likely to succeed.
D. Both motivation and intelligence are important.

在外围成立且实际管理机构不住中国境内的企业,不是企业所得税的纳税义务人。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

自2008年11月1日起,对个人首次购买 90平方米及以下普通住房,契税税率暂统一下调剑1%。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误
