4.分配政策对财政收入规模的制约主要取决于以下指标的共同作用( )。
A. 税收征收率
B. 财政集中率
C. 通货膨胀率
D. 价格总水平
E. 剩余价值率
5.属于政府非税收入的有( )。
A. 行政事业性收费收入
B. 政府性基金收入
C. 国有资本经营收入
D. 彩票公益金收入
E. 罚没收入
The driver of a van killed himself after plowing into a crowd.
A. 对
B. 错
It's the first time that vehicles were used as weapons in an attack.
A. 对
B. 错
The attacker was a middle-aged man with psychological problems.
A. 对
B. 错