
Whichofthefollowingstatementsabout"IASB Code of Conduct for Best Practices in Gene Synthesis(2009)"arecorrect?

A. It is important to devise effective governance measures for synthetic genomics that permit the beneficial use of this powerful technology while minimizing the risks. Synthetic genomics presents a dual-use dilemma in that outlaw states or terrorist groups could potentially exploit synthetic DNA for harmful purposes.
B. A better approach is to adopt voluntary guidelines or industry best practices. This type of self-regulation, involving suppliers and perhaps consumers of synthetic DNA, can be reinforced by government policies that encourage responsible behavior.
C. Although biosecurity measures for the gene-synthesis industry are being implemented in the United States and elsewhere, these activities are not well coordinated, and continued efforts will be needed on a national and international basis to fashion an effective global regime.
D. Preventing the misuse of gene synthesis, fostering industry self-regulation, & backed up with targeted government policies are good practices.


WhichofthefollowingstatementsaboutICPS' proposal of "Tiered DNA Synthesis Order Screening Process" (2007)arecorrect?

A. Individuals who place orders for DNA synthesis would be required to identify themselves, their home organization and all relevant biosafety information.
B. Next, individual companies would use validated software tools to check synthesis orders against a set of select agents or sequences to help ensure regulatory compliance and flag synthesis orders for further review.
C. Finally DNA synthesis and synthetic biology companies would work together through the ICPS, and interface with appropriate government agencies (worldwide), to rapidly and continually improve the underlying technologies used to screen orders and identify potentially dangerous sequences, as well as develop a clearly defined process to report behavior that falls outside of agreed-upon guideline.
D. Ensuring that syntheiszed DNA providers can make money.


A. TheEuropeanUnion-fundedprojectSYNBIOSAFEhasissuedreportsonhowtomanagesyntheticbiology.A2007paperidentifiedkeyissuesinsafety,security,ethicsandthescience-societyinterface,whichtheprojectdefinedaspubliceducation&ongoingdialogueamongscientists,businesses,governmentandethicists.
B. ThekeysecurityissuesthatSYNBIOSAFEidentifiedinvolvedengagingcompaniesthatsellsyntheticDNA&thebiohackingcommunityofamateurbiologists.Keyethicalissuesconcernedthecreationofnewlifeforms.
C. Asubsequentreportfocusedonbiosecurity,especiallytheso-calleddual-usechallenge.Forexample,whilesyntheticbiologymayleadtomoreefficientproductionofmedicaltreatments,itmayalsoleadtosynthesisormodificationofharmfulpathogens(e.g.,smallpox).
D. Thebiohackingcommunityremainsasourceofspecialconcern,asthedistributedanddiffusenatureofopen-sourcebiotechnologymakesitdifficulttotrack,regulateormitigatepotentialconcernsoverbiosafetyandbiosecurity.

Which of the following statement about the book entitled "Synthetic Biology: The Technoscience and Its Societal Consequences (2010)" are correct?

A. Some of the potential benefits of synthetic biology, such as the development of low-cost drugs or the production of chemicals and energy by engineered bacteria are enormous. There are, however, also potential and perceived risks due to deliberate or accidental damage.
B. Also, ethical issues of synthetic biology just start being explored, with hardly any ethicists specifically focusing on the area of synthetic biology.
C. This book will be the first of its kind focusing particularly on the safety, security and ethical concerns and other relevant societal aspects of this new emerging field. The community and informed stakeholders recognize this need, but up to now discussions are fragmentary.
D. This book will be the first comprehensive overview on relevant societal issues of synthetic biology, setting the scene for further important discussions within the scientific community and with civil society.


A. Concernedthecreationofnewlifeforms&newspecies
B. biorisk,biosafety,biosecurity
C. impactonhumanhealth & current basic biological concepts (e.g. evolution)
D. environmentalrisk&impact
