What is the difference between Memory and Storage?
A. Memory is Temporary and Storage is Permanent
B. Memory is Permanent and Storage is Temporary
C. Memory is Slow and Storage is Fast
D. None of these
BIOS stands for?
A. Bit In Out Service
Basic Input Output Structure
C. Basic Input Output System
D. All of these
Consider the following statements:
A. Data stored in RAM can be erased or altered.
B. Data stored in ROM cannot be erased or altered rather it can be read only.
C. oose the correct answer from the codes given below:
D. Only 1
E. Only 2
F. Both
G. Neither 1 nor 2
In memory hierarchy, which one of the followings is the fastest memory?
A. Magnetic Disk
Before a disk drive can access any sector record, a computer program has to provide the record’s disk address. What information does this address specify?
A. Track number
B. Sector number
C. Surface number
D. All of these