

A. 肋下神经
B. 髂腹下神经
C. 髂腹股沟神经
D. 股神经
E. 闭孔神经



A. 沿腰大肌外缘下行
B. 于腰大肌中点经过睾丸血管后方
C. 上端起自肾窦
D. 下端连于膀胱
E. 位于腹膜腔内、脊柱两侧

A femoral hernia often causes strangulation. In releasing the trapped intestine,the surgeon must remember than the lateral boundary of the femoral canal is the:

A. linea alba
B. inguinal ligament
C. pectineal ligament
D. femoral artery
E. femoral vein

It may be necessary to devascularize the lesser curvature of the stomach for excessive bleeding. This is best acompllshedby ligating the:

A. short gastric artery
B. left gastric artery
C. splenic artery
D. left gastroepiploic artery
E. gastroduodenal artery

The duodenum:

A. is the greater part of the small intestine
B. joins the pylorus of the stomach to the jejunum
C. the superior part is the not movable part
D. the descending part lies on the lateral part of the right kidney
E. the horizontal part runs horizontally from right to leftacross the first lumbar vertebra
