A. 检查有无镜下血尿
B. 测定基础代谢率
C. 血糖测定
D. 心电图
E. 胸部X线片
A. 饮食控制
B. 使用口服降糖药
C. 使用胰岛素调节血糖
D. 孕期加强监护
E. 适当运动
A. 少食多餐
B. 补充叶酸、铁剂和钙剂等
C. 餐前运动,每日至少1次
D. 产前检查还应测定血糖、尿糖及眼底检查等
E. 药物治疗首选胰岛素
A. 新生儿一律按早产儿护理
B. 预防产褥期感染,保持皮肤清洁
C. 不能母乳喂养
D. 不宜采用药物和宫内节育器避孕
E. 定期复查
Direction: Complete each unfinished sentence with a word, phrase, or structure from the box in the proper form.apart from, run up a large account, become engrossed, rush, be tempted, tell off, can be most enjoyable, to one’s surprise, desire, to their hearts’content, end up with, totally unaware, inevitable greeting, wander, irresistible1.Frank Young, a rich businessman, began his career in business by working as a salesman in a large store. He put all the odds and ends on one table with a sign which said: Any Article On This Table---Five Cents. _____1_______, people _____2____ to buy them and he realized that people’s ____3_____ to get “bargains”was ___4_____. He soon opened his own store. He set out goods to attract customers, making them feel that time spent in his store _____5________. He let his customers ____6______ round his store ______7____ without the ______8______ “Can I help you, Sir?”from the assistants. Customers were sure to _____9_____ to buy low-priced goods. In this way they often ____10_____ many articles which they didn’t really need. However, the customers seldom _____11______ and Frank Young would make no less money because it it profitable to buy large quantities of goods from the manufacturer and to sell them at low prices.