

A. 人过去考试就可以了。
B. 带上一卡通参加考试。
C. 严格遵守考试时间。
D. 考试完后,在不影响其他同学考试的情况下,查看自己的成绩和记录情况。
E. 有其他特殊情况向任课教师或体育部办公室询问。



A. 时间要求:必须在考前申请办理缓考手续。
B. 时间要求:什么时间都可以办理缓考。
C. 流程要求:填写缓考申请表,任课教师签字,学生所在院部签字意见,体育部批准后,将缓考申请表相关手续交至学生所在院部教学秘书。
D. 流程要求:直接向任课教师汇报即可。


A. 体育课程成绩。(教务管理系统中的成绩)
B. 国家体质健康测试的测试成绩。(青少年健康管理服务平台中的成绩)

II. Complete the answer to each question below.1. Why do customers ring the call centres?They usually ring forinformation or to.2. Why did the worker from an Indian call centre choose not to quit the job?The is quite good.3. What work do the workers in a recycling plant have to do as a result of people not sorting their rubbish?They have to find the items from a big pile of rubbish .4. When did the worker mentioned in the last paragraph take the job in a recycling plant?He did it when he first arrived in America.5. Why did the worker mentioned in the last paragraph choose not to quit the job?Because he wanted to do better .

以下叙述中,错误的是( )。

A. 简单语句必须以分号结束
B. 复合语句在语法上被看作一条语句
C. 赋值表达式末尾加分号就构成赋值语句
D. 空语句出现在任何位置都不会影响程序运行
