Which three principles of government were built into the US Constitution?
America is a Republic
B. America is a Constitutional Monarchy
C. The relationship between the US government and the state governments is based on federalism
D. The parts of the US government have a balance of powers
E. The Supreme Court is the highest authority in the government
A. 内
B. 外
C. 长
D. 短
A. 四
B. 三
C. 一
D. 二
A. 色彩
B. 素描
C. 人体结构
D. 设计
我们要找出肩、腰、臀、 的运动方向,以及四肢的透视关系,还有服装与人体结合在一起产生的衣纹衣褶的走向。
A. 头
B. 脚
C. 手
D. 动态线