

A. 对
B. 错


Blank Filling (选词填空:填单词所对应字母)Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given below.A. arrangedB. converselyC. dataD. editingE. stretchedF. spittingG. symptomH. toneI. in sightJ. abusing1.He would have preferred his wife not to work, but ______________ he was also proud of what she did.2.His forgetfulness may be a ________________ of brain trouble.3.The small boy started __________________ blood and his mother panicked (惊慌失措).4.These laws are intended to prevent government officials from _______________ their power.5."Go to the bathroom and wash your hands," the nurse told the children in a commanding ___________.6.The article is interesting, but it needs some ____________ before it can be published.7.To my knowledge, they have _______________________ to meet next Friday morning in the manager's office.8.When we say that we see light at the end of the tunnel, we mean that victory is ________________.9.He promised to repay me in three days. But the days ____________ into months and I never got a cent back from him.10.Before we can draw conclusions, we must collect enough _____________ and analyze them scientifically.

Confusable words 【近义词辨析,每空一词】Group oneremark, comment1. She became a matter of cynical ______ among the neighbors.她成了邻居们冷嘲热讽的话题.2. I should be pleased to have your______.我将很高兴听到你的意见。Group tworely, trust, depend3. We must try to _____ one another. Stay and cooperate.我们必须试图相互信任。留下来并且相互合作4. It is foolhardy to ______ on Middle Eastern countries for our oil supplies.把我们的石油供应都依赖于中东国家是鲁莽的。5. You are the only woman I can _____ on.你是我唯一能指望的女人。Group threeabuse, misuse, mistreat6. Some dogs’ owners ______ their dogs terribly.有些狗遭到主人的虐待。7. The serf-owners had the right to beat, ______ or even kill the serfs at will.农奴主有权任意打马甚至杀掉农奴。8. Don’t ______ the knife at the table by lifting food with it.吃饭时不要误用刀子拿食物。


A. 长视频一般指半小时以上,利用整块时间
B. 短视频一般指五分钟以内,利用碎片化时间
C. 长视频传播速度相对较慢
D. 短视频传播速度快

以下有关短视频与直播的说法正确的是( )

A. 短视频是先制作再呈现
B. 直播是实时呈现
C. 短视频不强调互动性,社交属性较弱
D. 直播强调互动性,社交属性较强
