



A. 正确
B. 错误

A安装公司承接新建住宅小区的供热管道工程。为了保证施工质量,公司购置了先进的二手电弧焊设备,施焊工人均持有焊工本,并聘请经验丰富的焊工技师不定期现场指导。土方开挖至槽底发现某段地基较松软,经现场监理人员查验认为可不做特别处理,可继续施工。其后开挖遇到一段废弃的雨水方沟,在停工等待处理方案期间阴雨不断,复工时发现已铺设管道进入泥浆,管端保温层进水。 支架安装时,作业人员加塞硬木垫片进行调高。管道连接固定后发现漏装补偿器随即补装。管道安装完毕经强度试验与气密性试验合格后进行了48h试运行,经检查管道接口没有发现渗漏;A安装公司向开发商提供验收报告。 指出A安装公司技术质量管理工作的缺失,并写出正确做法。

You are the network administrator for your company. The network contains an application server running Windows Server 2003. Users report that the application server intermittently responds slowly. When the application server is responding slowly, requests that normally take 1 second to complete take more than 30 seconds to complete. You suspect that the slow server response is because of high broadcast traffic on the network. You need to plan how to monitor the application server and to have a message generated when broadcast traffic is high. You also want to minimize the creation of false alarms when nonbroadcast traffic is high. What should you do? ()

A. Use the Alerts option in the Performance Logs and Alerts snap-in to configure an alert to trigger when the Datagrams/sec counter in the UDPv4 object is high.
B. Use System Monitor and configure it to monitor the Segments/sec counter in the TCPv4 object.
C. Use System Monitor and configure it to monitor the Datagrams/sec counter in the UDPv4 object.
D. Use the Alerts option in the Performance Logs and Alerts snap-in to configure an alert to trigger when the Datagrams/sec counter in the TCPv4 object is high.

某城市中转储备库建设项目,占地面积7万平方米,绿化面积2万平方米,总投资2000万元人民币,项目内容包括建造仓储作业区和办公服务区,主要包括办公楼、器材库、环流熏蒸房、机械棚库、变配电站、消防储水池、水塔泵房等。库区区域气候属亚热带季风气候,气候温暖,雨量充沛,阳光充足,四季分明。 由于粮食储备库作为粮食储存设施,在营运时仅进行粮食的运输与堆积,不涉及粮食的加工,因此库区原有污染情况主要表现于在粮食储运过程中的粉尘排放、服务区生活污水的排放,以及在杀虫、熏蒸过程中(采用环流熏蒸)极少量有毒熏蒸剂的逸散等。库区范围内暂无探明的矿床和珍稀动、植物资源,没有园林、名胜古迹等保护区。 简述施工期的环境影响。
