What are some of the advantages of using a router to segment the network?()
A. Filtering can occur based on Layer 3 information.
Broadcasts are eliminated.
C. Routers generally cost less than switches.
D. Broadcasts are not forwarded across the router.
E. Adding a router to the network decreases latency.
A. N1转速传感器
B. 主发电机
C. N2转速传感器
D. 备用发电机
A. 每周做1次B超,估计胎儿成熟度
B. 每周进行1次NST
C. 定期监测胎动次数
D. 每周做1次OCT
E. 预产期前引产
A. 备血
B. 血红蛋白+出凝血时间
C. 缩宫素激惹试验
D. B型超声检查
E. 普鲁卡因皮试