A web application uses the HttpSession mechanism to determine if a user is "logged in." When a usersupplies a valid user name and password, an HttpSession is created for that user. The user has access tothe application for only 15 minutes after logging in. The code must determine how long the user has beenlogged in, and if this time is greater than 15 minutes, must destroy the HttpSession. Which method in HttpSession is used to accomplish this?()
A. Getcreationtime
B. Invalidateafter
C. Getlastaccessedtime
D. Getmaxinactiveinterval
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 车体不完整,如压力表、温度计不好用
B. 车体静电接地线缺少或不完好,无阻火器
C. 无氧含量分析合格单
D. 槽车内无压力
A. 自觉维护人民根本利益
B. 自觉保持人民公仆本色
C. 自觉带头树立良好家风
D. 自觉提升思想道德境界