机械铲装时,生产台阶高度应符合以下规定:松软的的岩土,不爆破,不大于机械的() ;坚固稳定的矿岩,爆破,不大于机械的()
A. 最大挖掘高度
B. 最大挖掘高度的1.2倍
C. 最大挖掘高度的1.5倍
D. 最大挖掘高度的2倍
A. 对其约束至酒醒
B. 作出吊销其机动车驾驶证的决定
C. 依法追究其刑事责任
D. 作出其10年内不得重新取得机动车驾驶证,重新取得机动车驾驶证后,不得驾驶营运机动车的决定
TestKing.com has employed you as their Exchange Administrator. The TestKing.com network contains an Exchange Server 2010 Organization. The Exchange organization contains multiple Hub TransportServers. On of the Hub Transport servers named TESTKING-EX01 is used by a line of business application that retries e-mail messages. The application is configured to only send e-mail messages to a single SMTPserver. You receive an instruction from the CIO to ensure that the application is able to retry e-mailmessages of TESTKING-EX01 tabs. What should you do?()
A. You should consider having failover clustering installed and configuring on the Hub Transport servers.
B. You should consider having Windows network load balancing implementing on the Hub Transport servers.
C. You should consider having log transactions implemented.
D. You should consider having multiple MX records created for the Hub Transport servers in the internal DNS zone.
A. 正确
B. 错误